Samuel Taylor Coleridge
My heart will burn up
if I say it will Amen,
my dear ones Thy will
be done, etc. Prescribe for me
an anodyne I’ve a toothache,
a swollen testicle,
a place in my brain
where pigs in the rain sob like a toddler
abandoned by a lake I’m afraid
to sleep, but also to wake
I nod into the afterlife
dream about giants
abducting my children,
bears in the kitchen when I wave
my magic wand Nothing happens
again, now at thirty thousand
I nod when the flight attendant
me to drink Sadly, I’ll never even know
what a flight attendant is, much less
what one looks like A
with a dulcimer in a vision once I saw
If I could learn to love
the things I should, instead of those
I shouldn’t, I would love you most
all, my muse of all these
years Alas, I am forgotten
and the music in my ears
that toddler grown older
now screaming just to wake me
Rain splashing
down through a hole
in the sun Follow these sounds
where they take thee
Austin Osman Spare
My heart will burn up
if I say it will All day long
a pencil in my hand
religion, I am
practically zero The asylums
are crowded,
the stage is overrun
I look into the void and the brothel
my tongue out Constantly
asses wag I think
the young ones are trying
hard to be the end of me
Cursed be
all ye Corpse devourers
Medicine swallowers Think ye
Heaven is an infirmary Only
from negations can I
wholesomely conceive you
I butt a brick wall
with my head sometimes
alphabet snuggles
in the crotches of witches
Some days my pencil
move for three months
Of these drawings, I can say only
that prophecy and revelation
are as possible today as they were
the time of Jonah Poverty
has made me a ghost at light speed
When my lines suggest a tree
give yourself over
to the leaves
where they take you
MATT HART is the author of four books of poetry, Who’s Who Vivid (Slope Editions, 2006), Wolf Face (H_NGM_N BKS, 2010), Lightheaded (BlazeVox), and the brand new Sermons and Lectures both Blank and Relentless (Typecast Books), with a CD. A co-founder and the editor-in-chief of Forklift Books and Forklift, Ohio: A Journal of Poetry, Cooking & Light Industrial Safety, he lives in Cincinnati where he teaches at the Art Academy of Cincinnati.