What are days for?
—Philip Larkin
Go on, tell me the stars don’t rule.
Definitely Good Sex Days, Good Food
Days, Music, Money, etc., those days
in the Great State of Grace when you catch
your flight, nab a parking space, or herds of checks
find your mailbox like a watering hole.
Personal Injury Days, Missed Connections,
Bad Mail Days get you thinking:
maybe it’s a Good Bronc Busting Day,
or Marlin Fishing, a world record lurking
somewhere in the Gulf Stream you can’t afford
to find. Or how about Tossing Your Hat in the Ring,
or Going for a Walk Even Though It’s Raining
and Meeting Someone Who Will Change Your Life Day?
The Dying with
Dignity Day, which you’ll
pass over in preference
to a Dragged Screaming Away,
be followed by a Good Friends
and Fun
and One Hell of a Wake Day.
The Spell Chequer's SOS
I etch these words, scrape them
on the screen before your ayes,
how I’m held prisoner
in hear, a bear
and leafless land, wear,
surrounded by giant watches
that seam melted over every
dead limn, I sit
at a tall stool as wight
sheets congeal
before me
like frost on glass.
I work very slowly,
underlining awl mistakes
read, and writing
in watt should bee.
Although yew
once rote in those
short lines of yours
that I’m
“super-sillious” (sic),
I’m sure you wont
to help, won’t turn
away and leave me
alone in hear
to dye. I do knot no
watt I’ve dun to urn this
punishment, tide to this
rock where words swoop down
me, black
WILLIAM GREENWAY seventh full-length collection, Everywhere at Once (2009), winner of the Ohioana Poetry Book of the Year Award, is from the University of Akron Press Poetry Series (2003). He has published in Poetry, American Poetry Review, Georgia Review, Southern Review, Poetry Northwest, Shenandoah, and Prairie Schooner .